Email Problems in Leamington

For our first job today we are with a customer in Leamington Spa, the issue here is that the emails are not sending from the customers computer.

Update:- This one looks like its an issue at Tiscali as the customer is a professional client we have recommended and ordered Web hosting and a Domain name, this will give the customer the option to easily change broadband supplier at a later date.

Solving Outlook Crashing Issue in Kenilworth

Good morning, We are with a customer on Rouncil Lane in Kenilworth, We are here to solve an issue where by outlook 2007 is crashing, After investigating the event log we found a number of event id error numbers 1000,5000,1002,2000. These suggested an issue with the MSO.DLL or corrupt pst, tested in safe mode and it seemed to be working fine so unlikley to be a PST file fault, Disabled all addins no change, in checking the event log further we found that some windows updates had been applied in the last 7 days, So we removed and reinstalled Service Pack 2 and this repaired the fault.

Dial up Internet Problems in Barford

Next today we are with a customer in Barford to repair a broken dial up internet connection, the issue here is that Outlook Express gives errors 0x800CCC90 and 0x800CCC0E. We fixed these issues and then updated the customers antivirus to AVG 9 and Zone Alarm firewall to the latest version.