We are now with a customer near Rouncil Lane in Kenilworth, we are here to set up a simple back up system for an External Western Digital Passport hard drive.
Backup system at Kenilworth in Warwickshire
This morning we are with a customer at Kenilworth in Warwickshire to install a backup system for an external USB hard drive for this we are using the download for Synctoy from Microsoft , the reason for using this is that it is pretty easy to use and does not take to long because it only copies the files that have been changed.
Setting up a Backup System in Kenilworth
We are with a customer on Birches Lane in Kenilworth,We are here to setup a backup system for an external USB hard drive that the customer has purchased, for this we are using the download from microsoft , The reason for using this is that it is pretty easy to use and does not take more than a few minutes to update because it only copies the files that have been changed since the last backup.